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Action Alert
Member Non-Fed

URGENT: Congress Has the Wrong Idea on Cures for Hospitals; Follow Up with Your E&C Member

The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health is expected to hold a follow-up hearing on transparency and competition in health care. The AHA appreciates your outreach in advance of the March 28 hearing; however, based on the comments representatives made during the recent hearing, it is clear there remains a critical need to continue the ongoing education of lawmakers, especially those serving on this important subcommittee.

Chair File: Join AHA in Celebrating Community Health Improvement Week

Hospitals are cornerstones of our communities. They provide a broad spectrum of acute and ambulatory care services and serve as economic anchors in many cities and towns.

AHA leaders take part in International Hospital Federation Congress   

AHA leaders are participating this week in the International Hospital Federation’s World Hospital Congress in Dubai.

Congress urged to pass Preventing Maternal Deaths Reauthorization Act

The AHA yesterday joined 85 national organizations in urging Congress to swiftly pass the Preventing Maternal Deaths Reauthorization Act (H.R.3838/S.2415), bipartisan legislation that would reauthorize federal support for state-based maternal mortality review committees, which review pregnancy-related deaths to identify causes and make recommendations to prevent future mortalities.

Part One: Cyberthreats and Assessing Third-Party Risk with Providence

In this first of a two-part conversation, hosted by the AHA's National Advisor for Cybersecurity and Risk John Riggi, Providence’s Adam Zoller, chief information security officer, and Katie Adams, cybersecurity director of clinical technology services, discuss the potential cyberthreats posed by third parties.
AHA in the News

AHA Advertorial: Strong Hospitals Help Create Healthy Communities

The mission of all hospitals and health systems, regardless of size and location, is to provide quality care to patients and advance health in their communities.
AHA in the News

Advertorial: Hospitals Keep Communities Healthy

The driving mission of all hospitals and health systems, regardless of size and location, is to provide quality and compassionate care to patients and advance health in their communities.

House holds hearing on legislation to reauthorize, build on SUPPORT Act

The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health today held a hearing on legislation to reauthorize and build on the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities (SUPPORT) Act of 2018.

A Salute to Those Who Have Kept America Safe

For nearly 250 years, our courageous and selfless veterans have stood up for the nation’s defense, protecting their countrymen and America’s founding ideals at great personal cost.

Getting Vaccinated to Help Protect Yourself, Your Family and Your Community

As we move into fall and winter, we know the viruses that cause respiratory disease will usually circulate more heavily in communities.