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757 Results Found


Clinical Integration - Program Case Examples

Case Examples Building Quality into

Chair File: A Renewed Call to Dare All for Our Country

A Renewed Call to Dare All for Our Country

Four keys to applying quality performance tools and tackling social determinants of health

The AHA Physician Alliance conducts regular Questions with Clinician Leaders podcast featuring physicians across the country sharing their views on key issues. This month’s focus is on addressing social determinants of health (SDoH), an effort fundamental to the Care Well value of the Alliance. Below are four keys to addressing SDoH using skills and resources your organization already has. 

Artificial Intelligence Is a Growing Force in Health Care

You're probably walking around right now with a piece of artificial intelligence in your pocket.

3 Simple Steps to Get Innovation Buy-In

3 Simple Steps to Get Innovation Buy-In

AHA leading efforts to reduce disparities in health care

In conjunction with Black History Month, Jay Bhatt, D.O., AHA chief medical officer and senior vice president, highlights AHA’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity resources and activities aimed at addressing disparities in health care.
Case Studies

Integrating Cultural Competency into Population Health Initiatives

New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Case Studies

Sutter Tracy Community Hospital – Mobile Fresh

What is it? The Mobile Fresh program provides low-income, at-risk individuals, seniors, and children a supplemental resource of fresh fruits and vegetables and assorted products coupled w
AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

3 Things to Know about the Latest Disruptor in Employer-Sponsored Care

The landscape is littered with failed ventures from well-intentioned, well-funded startups that set out to overhaul the employer-sponsored health care system. But the recent formal launch of Transcarent, a Silicon Valley health tech firm planning to transform employer-sponsored benefits, bears watching.
Case Studies

PeaceHealth Oregon West Network – Behavioral Health Integration

PeaceHealth Behavioral Health Services (BHS) is composed of a continuum of care that provides a range of services, including inpatient psychiatric care, partial hospitalization, transition services, telemental health, crisis services, outpatient psychiatry and counseling, research projects, primary care integration, young adult and first-episode psychosis-specific treatments.