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796 Results Found


RAC Advocacy Resources

AHA RAC Advocacy Resources

HHS program launches web resource on cybersecurity best practices

The Department of Health and Human Services launched a central web resource for information on cybersecurity best practices recognized by its 405(d) program.

Toxic: A Black Woman's Story

Toxic: A Black Woman’s Story is a film developed to address the root causes of infant mortality and racial disparities in infant mortality rates.

Looking Ahead with AHA’s 2023 Environmental Scan

Challenges. Resilience. Innovation. Opportunities.
Public Comments

Statement on Racism as a Public Health Issue

The American Hospital Association’s vision is a society of healthy communities where all individuals reach their highest potential for health. Confronting and eradicating structural racism are fundamental to achieving our vision.

Putting on a Full-court Press to Secure Support for Hospitals and Patients

As Congress convenes for its post-election lame-duck session, we are turning up the pressure to secure additional support for hospitals and the patients and communities they serve. We need to put on a full-court press — and that includes all of us reaching out to our senators and representatives — to urge them to include a number of key priorities in a year-end spending package.

Nickels outlines hospital and health system advocacy priorities

Supporting access to care in rural communities and reining in escalating drug prices are two areas that have bipartisan support and could see legislative action in a divided government, AHA Executive Vice President Tom Nickels said today in a conversation with Frank Sesno, former CNN anchor and Washington bureau chief.

For Our Kids: Pediatric Behavioral Health Needs With UMass Memorial

When kids experience acute behavioral health needs, they need to be cared for at the right time and the right place.

Reconnect, Recommit, Reenergize at 2022 Leadership Summit

When the best minds in health care come together on a national stage you can count on sparks flying, great discussions, new ideas emerging and the entire profession taking a step forward.
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Teaching Hospitals

There are over 1,000 teaching hospitals that directly employ 2.7 million people and are among the largest employers in their communities.