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2662 Results Found


At Hill Briefing, AHA Calls for Reining in Drug Costs, Reducing Regulatory Burden

Congress and the administration should pursue actions, including addressing the high costs of prescription drugs and regulatory burden on providers, that will help reduce the cost of care without putting access at risk.

Leadership Dialogue Series: Driving Community Health Improvement With SBH Health System

For hospitals and health systems of every size and location, it’s critically important to adapt to the needs of their communities.

Senate to consider continuing resolution funding government through Nov. 17 

The Senate Sept. 26 voted 77-19 to begin debate on a continuing resolution that would continue funding for government programs through Nov. 17. The Senate is expected to vote on the measure this week.
Seminars and Workshops

Courses and Workshops | Team Training | Center

AHA Team Training offers a variety of educational opportunities to best fit your needs. Our courses and workshops, like theTeamSTEPPS Master Training course, are taught by our interprofessional faculty and experts from the field.

HHS alerts health care sector to new ransomware threat

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3) this week alerted the sector to a new ransomware threat known as BlackSuit, which may be responsible for an October attack against an organization that provides medical scans and radiology services for almost 1,000 U.S. hospitals and health systems and caused the victim to shut down computer systems and turn away patients.

Federal court dismisses central claims in hospital retirement plan case

The U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut this week largely dismissed a lawsuit alleging that Yale New Haven Hospital violated its fiduciary duties by selecting a retirement plan with excessive fees or poorly performing investments. The court allowed certain ancillary claims related to the plan’s recordkeeping fees to go forward.
AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

4 Ways to Build Your Talent Pipeline

To grow and retain their workforce, hospitals and health systems need to pursue a multipronged approach, notes the AHA’s recently released 2024 Health Care Workforce Scan.

Five Questions With Clinical Leaders Podcast Series

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AHA Urges Congress to Provide Support to Help Minimize Further Fallout from Change Healthcare Attack

We are now on day 13 of the crisis caused by the recent cyberattack on Change Healthcare and its impacts on hospitals, health systems and patients around the country. We urgently need Congress's support to help minimize further fallout from this attack.

Revised Senate tax bill includes repeal of individual mandate

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT) last night released a revised version of tax reform legislation that includes a provision to repeal enforcement of the Affordable Care Act’s mandate that most individuals have health insurance.