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33541 Results Found


OSHA updates TB-related inspection procedures for health care settings

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration today announced updated inspection procedures related to w

HHS honors hospitals for outstanding organ donation efforts

The Department of Health and Human Services recently recognized more than 730 hospitals and transplant c

HHS announces fall prevention, dementia initiatives at White House conference

The Department of Health and Human Services today launched an online course to help clinicians prevent falls in older patients, and plans to release a curriculum next year to help health care worke

House approves 21st Century Cures bill

The House today voted 344-77 to approve the 21st Century Cures Act, H.R. 6.

House approves 21st Century Cures bill

The House of Representatives today voted 344-77 to approve the 21st Century Cures Act (H.R.

Agencies finalize ACA rule on coverage of preventive services without cost sharing

The departments of the Treasury, Labor and Health and Human Services today finalized regulations regarding coverage of certain preventive services without cost sharing under the Affordable Care Act

President to nominate Slavitt for CMS administrator

President Obama yesterday announced his intent to n

FDA strengthens NSAID label warnings for heart attack, stroke risk

Based on a review of new safety information, the Food and Drug Administration yesterday announced it is strength

CMS proposes to bundle payments for hip and knee replacements

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today proposed a new payment model