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33544 Results Found


Alexander: 'Fast and wrong' approach to EHRs 'does not help patients'

The federal government should “immediately adopt” proposed changes to Stage 2 meaningful use requirements for the Medicare & Medicaid Electronic Health Records Incentive Programs an

AHA offers toolkit to help hospitals, clinicians align ICU care with patient priorities

The AHA’s Physician Leadership Forum today issued a

FDA modifies requirements for treating patients with schizophrenia drug

The Food and Drug Administration today announced changes to

AHASTAT blog: Hospitals pledge to eliminate health care disparities

More than 700 hospitals have signed onto the AHA’s #123forEquity Pledge to Act Campaign to eliminate health c

Aspirin recommended to prevent heart attack, stroke, colorectal cancer in certain adults

Certain adults at increased risk for cardiovascular disease should take low-dose aspirin daily to prevent heart attack, stroke and colorectal cancer, according to a

Reminder: AHA webcast tomorrow on social media value, considerations for hospitals

The AHA and its Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development affiliate will host a webcast tomorrow on the value and potential of social media to leverage hospital community programs and

GAO reports wide variation in individual market premiums

Health insurance premiums for individual market consumers varied considerably within and between states in 2014 and 2015, according to a

Survey: Illicit teen use of tobacco, alcohol, pain relievers declining

Illicit use of tobacco, alcohol and prescription pain relievers declined among adolescents between 2002 and 2014, according to the latest

CDC, FDA issue device reprocessing recommendations for health care facilities

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Food and Drug Administration today urged health care facilities that utilize reusable medical devices to immediately review their reprocessing pra

Senate extends direct supervision enforcement moratorium through 2015

The Senate last night passed by unanimous consent AHA-supported legislation (S.