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33554 Results Found


President to propose extra incentive for states to expand Medicaid under ACA

President Obama will propose in his fiscal year 2017 budget that Congress give any state that expands Medicaid eligibility under the Affordable Care Act the same three years of full federal support

GAO: HHS needs comprehensive planning approach to health care workforce

The Secretary of Health and Human Services should develop a comprehensive and coordinated planning approach to guide the department’s health care workforce development programs, according to

IHA now Illinois Health and Hospital Association

The Illinois Hospital Association and Metropolitan Chicago Healthcare Council have completed their integration and yesterday

AHA to MAP: Use NAM framework to identify quality improvement priorities

The AHA yesterday urged the Measure Applications Partnership to use the National Academy of Medicine’s “Vital Signs” recommendations as a foundation for identifying quality improv

HHS issues update on Marketplace enrollment

Nearly 8.7 million people selected a 2016 health plan between Nov. 1 and Jan.

NAM report identifies social risk factors that may influence Medicare measure performance

The National Academy of Medicine today released a conceptual fram

AHA recommends changes to FCC Healthcare Connect Fund

The AHA today recommended several changes to the Federal Communications Commission’s Healthcare Connect Fund to enhance participation and access to broadband for rural health care services.

Reuters: State AGs investigating Aetna-Humana, Anthem-Cigna proposed mergers

About 15 state attorneys general have joined the federal Justice Department's probe of the proposed mergers of Aetna and Humana and Anthem and Cigna, according to a

Hospitals, consumer groups alert VA regulators to insurance consolidation concerns

The Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association and a coalition of national and state consumer organizations and unions have raised concerns about the proposed Anthem-Cigna and Aetna-Humana merg