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33571 Results Found


HHS adjusts maximum civil monetary penalties for inflation

The Department of Health and Human Services today published an interim final rule that adjusts for

CDC, HHS award grants to detect Zika birth defects, develop vaccine

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Friday awarded $2.4 million in funding to Chicago, Ho

Hospitals add 10,700 jobs in August

Employment at the nation's hospitals rose by 0.21% in August to a seasonally adjusted 5,102,100 people, the Bureau of Labor Statistics

AHA supports Independence at Home Act

The AHA earlier this week expressed its support for legislation that would make permanent a Medicare demonstration program that provides primary care to patients at home.

HHS awards $53 million to combat opioid epidemic

The Department of Health and Human Services today announced that it will distribute $53 million in funding to 44 states

CMS issues proposed rule on notice of benefit and payment parameters for 2018

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services late this afternoon issued a proposed rule on the notice

AHA, others urge Senate to act on mental health legislation

A coalition of organizations, including the AHA, is urging Senate action on mental health reform legislation when Congress returns next month from its summer recess.

FDA recommends universal testing of donated blood for Zika

The Food and Drug Administration today recommended universal testing of donated whole blood and blood components for Zika virus in the U.S. and its territories.

AHA comments on proposed changes to address Medicare appeals backlog

The Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals’ proposal to reduce the appeals backlog at the Administrative Law Judge level is likely “to do little more than scratch the surface of the pr

Report updates physician shortage projections for Wisconsin

Wisconsin faces a potential shortage of between 883 and 3,756 physicians by 2035 due to changes in physician demographics and an aging patient population, according to a