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33575 Results Found


CMS awards $66.1 million to territories, Florida to fight Zika

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services yesterday awa

CMS issues updated snapshot of open enrollment activity

More than 8.8 million people selected a health plan through Nov. 1 through Jan.

Senate HELP Committee holds hearing for HHS secretary nominee

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee today held a hearing for Rep.

MI health system receives 2016 Foster McGaw Prize

Spectrum Health today received the 2016 Foster G.

NQF announces new president and CEO

The National Quality Forum today na

CMS finalizes further limits on Medicaid managed care pass-through payments

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today issued a final rule further l

FDA issues safety alert on defibrillator

LIFEPAK 1000 defibrillators may not be able to deliver therapy during a resuscitation attempt due to an intermittent connection between the battery and device electrical contacts, according to a

CDC: Kidney failure from diabetes down 54% among American Indians

The rate of diabetes-related kidney failure decreased 54% among Native American adults between 1996 and 2013 to match the rate for whites, according to a Vital Signs

CMS announces new payment model for rural hospitals in Pennsylvania

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services last week announced

House passes budget resolution

The House of Representatives today voted 227-198 to pass a fiscal year 2017 budget resolution