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33575 Results Found


Hospitals add 4,200 jobs in January

Employment at the nation's hospitals rose by 0.08% in January to a seasonally adjusted 5,080,700 people, the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Better health through all phases of life

Spectrum Health’s Healthier Communities Vice President Kenneth Fawcett, M.D., likens the scope of his organization’s community outreach to the “sun passing from horizon to horizon

Aligning missions to better serve a refugee community

Vickery Meadow is a slice of Northeast Dallas known as the “Little United Nations” because it is home to some 25,000 refugees who speak more than 50 languages.

FDA warns of reaction to skin antiseptic products containing chlorhexidine gluconate

The Food and Drug Administration yesterday warned that produc

IRS alerts HR, payroll professionals to tax phishing scheme

The Internal Revenue Service yesterday alerted payroll and human resources professionals to beware of a continuing phishing email scheme that purports to be from company executives and requests W-2

Hospital IQR and OQR data submission extended to Feb. 15

Due to system issues with its QualityNet secure portal, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has extended to Feb.

AHRQ provides informed consent training modules for health care professionals

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has released a training resource for hospital leaders that provides guidance on developing informed consent policies and securing organizational suppo

AHA accepting nomination for Board of Trustees

The AHA Committee on Nominations is accepting nominations for chair-elect of the Board of Trustees, as well as five trustees at large, all of whom will take office Jan. 1, 2018.

House subcommittee considers insurance market reforms

The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee today held a hearin

CMS proposes MA, Part D payment and policy changes for 2018

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services yesterday announced propose