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33575 Results Found


Senate holds hearing on state flexibility in individual insurance market

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee today held a

Additional resources to assist with aftermath of Irma

While areas in the Southeast U.S.

HHS announces additional hurricane waivers, resources

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price Friday declared

AHA suggests actions to immediately reduce CMS regulatory burden

The AHA today laid out actions the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services could take to immediately reduce the regulatory burden on hospitals, health systems and the patients they serve.

CMS issues guidance on definition of hospital under Section 1861(e)

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Survey & Certification Group last week issued

HHS eases certain provider requirements due to hurricane emergencies

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price yesterday declared a public healt

House passes debt ceiling, funding bill with hurricane relief

The House today voted 316-90 to approve a bill funding the government and raising the debt ceiling though Dec. 8, and providing more than $15 billion in hurricane relief.

Report: Hospital spending growth lowest in 28 years

National spending for hospital care grew just 0.8% over the 12 months that ended in June, the lowest rate since at least January 1989, according to the latest

Apply to participate in AHA-AMGA Pathway to Value collaborative

AHA and AMGA members may apply through Oct.

AHA guide examines 10 successful hospital-community partnerships

A new resource from AHA’s Health Research & Educational Trust shows how 10 hospitals and health systems par