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33581 Results Found


Consumers May Have More Control Over Health Care Costs Than Previously Thought

The Rand Health Insurance Experiment found that patients had little or no control over their health care spending once they began to receive a physician's care, but a new study shows that this ha

Focus on the Rising Cost of Health Care

Reining in health care costs has become a central policy challenge for government and a pressing concern for American businesses, families and individuals.

Meaningful Use of Electronic Prescribing in 5 Exemplar Primary Care Practices

The study concludes that more widespread implementation and effective use of e-prescribing in ambulatory care settings will require practice transformation efforts that focus on work process redesign

Do Disability Benefits Discourage Work?

This study examined SSDI applications between 2005 and 2006, focusing on a 'natural experiment' that arises from the disability determination process itself: Some of the disability examiners who decid

Evaluation of RxNorm in Ambulatory Electronic Prescribing

Drug prescriptions need to accurately identify the medications that prescribers intend for pharmacists to dispense.

Results from the National Scorecard on U.S. Health System Performance, 2011

The National Scorecard on U.S. Health System Performance, 2011, updates a series of comprehensive assessments of U.S. population health and health care quality, access, efficiency, and equity.

Promoting the Integration and Coordination of Safety-Net Health Care Providers Under Health Reform: Key Issues

The Affordable Care Act includes several provisions designed to encourage greater coordination and integration among health care providers, including the promotion of accountable care organizations an

Variations in Amenable Mortality—Trends in 16 High-Income Nations

The rate of 'mortality amenable to health care' that is--deaths that are considered preventable with timely and effective health care declined for people under age 75 across 16 high-income nations

First-Ever Scorecard of State Performance on Long-Term Services and Supports Finds Wide Variation in Care and Support for Older Adults and People with Disabilities

A report released jointly by AARP's Public Policy Institute, The Commonwealth Fund and The SCAN Foundation shows some states significantly out-perform others in the delivery of long-term servi