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33591 Results Found

Case Studies

St. Joseph Health System - Volunteer Telecare Program

What is it?The St. Joseph Health System (SJHS) Volunteer Telecare program is a free daily telephone check-in service for homebound community members.
Case Studies

University of New Mexico Hospital - Health Commons

Overview University of New Mexico (UNM) Hospital, a 384-bed acute, tertiary care facility, is the primary teaching hospital for the UNM Health Sciences Center School of Medicine and is hom
Case Studies

Ridgeview Medical Center - Lactation Program

What is it?Ridgeview Medical Center’s 15-year-old lactation program has measurably increased participants’ breastfeeding rates, thereby improving babies’ health.
Case Studies

Overlook Medical Center - Healthy Avenues Van

What is it?Overlook Medical Center’s Healthy Avenues Van is a 37-foot recreational vehicle that is equipped with an interior suited to do health screenings.
Case Studies

Overlook Medical Center - Hooray for 5 a Day Program

What is it?Overlook Medical Center’s Department of Community Health, in collaboration with the elementary schools in their service area, has developed on program for first and second grade
Case Studies

Kalkaska Memorial Health Center - Teen Health Corner

OverviewThe Teen Health Corner is a collaborative project initiated by Kalkaska Memorial Health Center, a district hospital and critical access hospital, and coordinated with Kalkaska Publ
Case Studies

Margaret Mary Community Hospital - Bicycle Helmet Program

What is it?Margaret Mary Community Hospital offers bicycle helmets to the public for $5.00 each. The helmets are Snell qualified and cost the hospital $5.45 each plus shipping.
Case Studies

VA Medical Center - Good Neighbor Program

What is it?The Good Neighbor Program provides socialization and safety monitoring to veterans in the community.
Case Studies

St. Vincent Randolph Hospital - Farm Health Initiative

What is it?This hospital’s farm health initiative “goes where the farmers are” and provides preventive, screening and wellness services to farm families.
Case Studies

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital - Athletic Trainer Makes Sports Safer for Student-Athletes

What is it?In an effort to make sports safer for student-athletes, the hospital is providing a certified athletic trainer (ATC) at Brattleboro Union High School (BUHS) to manage and preven