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33591 Results Found

Case Studies

Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center - VCU House Calls

What is it?Since 1984, VCU House Calls has been providing longitudinal primary care medical home visits, both scheduled and urgent, for patients too ill or disabled to get to a doctor’s of
Case Studies

Waverly Health Center - Youth Tobacco Prevention Program

What is it?The program’s goal is to empower local youth to become peer role models by choosing to be free of nicotine dependence.
Case Studies

WellStar Health System - Promotores de Salud (Health Promoters)

What is it?WellStar Health System is striving to eliminate diabetes and obesity among Hispanic and Latino populations.
Case Studies

Bradley County Medical Center - M*A*S*H Camp

What is it?M*A*S*H (Medical Applications of Science for Health) Camp is a free, one-week summer enrichment program that allows rising high school juniors and seniors to shadow health profe
Case Studies

Ellsworth County Medical Center - CampMed

What is it?Ellsworth County Medical Center annually hosts a one-day CampMed for students interested in health care careers.
Case Studies

Emory Healthcare - Emory Healthcare Veterans Program

What is it?On Sept.
Case Studies

St. Catherine Hospital - Finney County Community Health Coalition

What is it?The Finney County Community Health Coalition (FCCHC) brings together more than 50 community partners on a regular basis to identify community needs and find funding to support t
Case Studies

Allegheny Health Network - Healthy Ride

What is it?Started in July 2015, Healthy Ride is a bike-sharing program featuring 500 bikes located at 50 docking stations around Pittsburgh.
Case Studies

University of Mississippi Medical Center - School-Based Health and Wellness Clinics

What is it?The University of Mississippi Medical Center has partnered with Jackson Public Schools and the University of Mississippi School of Nursing to operate three nurse-managed health
Case Studies

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital - Comprehensive Breast Care

What is it?The hospital’s Comprehensive Breast Care program provides a multidisciplinary spectrum of services including screening, prevention, surgery, post-surgical treatments and complem