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2662 Results Found


Removing scars of domestic violence from its youngest victims

No child is too young to avoid being scarred by domestic violence or abuse, says Cynthia Arreola, who manages New York Presbyterian Hospital’s program for treating the youngest victims of abuse.
Case Studies

AHA Members in Action

Case studies featuring AHA member programs addressing street and gang violence in their communities.
Case Studies

Rochester Regional Health – Daily Safety Check

What is it? Early identification and mitigation of risks is critical to ensure safety in any environment, particularly in health care where the dimensions of safety are substantially comp

House lawmakers urge CMS to drop planned 340B cuts

A bipartisan group of 228 House lawmakers yesterday urged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to abandon its proposal to reduce Medicare Part B payment for drugs acquired through

Predictive analytics is transforming health care

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Health s
AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

Risky Business: How to Seize Future Growth Opportunities

Major transformational shifts in health care have made it difficult to visualize the path to future success. And building out an effective strategy — in which advancing innovation, making savvy technology investments and forging sound partnerships are givens — can be fraught with complexity, ambiguity and risk.
Trustee Articles

Empowering a Healthy Culture

Boards need to assess troubled areas in their organizations, set goals for improving the culture, and hold leaders accountable for change.

AHA honors leaders at ASHHRA conference

AHA Solutions Inc.

Equity of Care winner makes everyone feel welcome

Named the 2019 Carolyn Boone Lewis Equity of Care Award winner, Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis, Md., continues to make its hospital an open and diverse environment for staff, patients and the community.