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2662 Results Found

H-ISAC: Green Reports

H-ISAC TLP Green: Daily Physical Security Report - February 20, 2024

H-ISAC TLP Green Daily Physical Security Report for February 20, 2024.

The Value of Integrating Behavioral and Physical Health

In this conversation, Jerry Halverson, M.D., consult liaison psychiatrist at Rogers Behavioral Health, discusses the impact of these integrations on patient outcomes, and how payers are providing reimbursement for these rapidly growing care models.

TeamSTEPPS Master Training (Virtual) | Team Training | Center

AHA Team Training's virtual TeamSTEPPS Master Training course will teach participants all the TeamSTEPPS tools and principles - what they are, how to use them, and how to take them back to your organization.

AHA resources can help recognize National Nurses and National Hospital Weeks

The AHA and its American Organization for Nursing Leadership affiliate have developed numerous resources, including a customizable video and digital toolkit, to assist hospitals and health systems in celebrating National Nurses Week, May 6-12, and National Hospital Week, May 9-15.
AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

The Disruptors Are Getting Disrupted — 5 Takeaways

Walmart’s announcement last week that it will close its 51 health centers in five states and exit virtual care services stunned many observers.

CDC launches campaign to educate public about prescription opioid risks

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this week launched Rx Awareness, a communications campaign to educate the public about the risks associated with prescription opioids to prevent misuse and overdose.
Special Bulletin

Appropriations Committees Release Spending Bills and Health Extenders Package

The House and Senate Appropriations Committees March 3 released text of six appropriations bills that would fund various agencies of the federal government through the end of the current fiscal year (FY).

Congressional Leaders Urged to Prevent Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital Cuts

A bipartisan group of 51 senators, le
Rural Health Update

Rural Health News Update April 18, 2024


Hospitals and Health Systems Advance Health for Patients and Communities in Countless Ways

All hospitals and health systems provide an oasis of care, compassion and healing to the patients and communities they serve.