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2662 Results Found

Trustee Articles

Addressing the Social Determinants of Health

Boards can advocate for policy changes or ways to harness community resources.

Preventing the Spread of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms (MDROs)

This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a Vital Signs report identifying the threats associated with antibiotic resistance (AR) and recommending “early and aggressive action” to prevent resistant pathogens from spreading in health care facilities.

Health systems have redefined ‘patient-centered’ care

Also in this weekly roundup of health care news: Dementia caregivers are gaining an edge; hospitals are addressing the social determinants of health; and the health care field pledges to reduce carbon emissions.

President signs AHA-backed 21st Century Cures Act into law

President Obama on Dec. 13 signed into law the AHA-supported 21st Century Cures Act, which includes a number of provisions important to hospitals and health systems.

Bipartisan bill would extend moratorium on direct supervision through 2016

Sens. John Thune (R-SD) and Maria Cantwell (D-WA) today introduced AHA-supported legislation (S.

USDA accepting applications for rural telemedicine grants

Hospitals and others can apply through March 14 for grants of up to $500,000 each for equipment and technical assistance to provide telemedicine services in rural areas, the Department of Agricultu
AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

Is It Time to Partner with Retail Pharmacies on Service Expansion?

It’s getting tougher to find a retail pharmacy chain that isn’t expanding deeper into providing web-driven digital health care services. Rite Aid became the latest, saying it will launch telehealth kiosks with InTouch Health’s virtual care platform at 25 of Rite Aid’s East Coast RediClinic Express clinics and 36 H-E-B grocery stores in Texas.
AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

Whoever Controls the Remote May Win with Telehealth

Telemedicine may get a new platform from what to many is an old friend — the television — to connect with elderly patients and those with chronic diseases. CNBC recently reported that Cisco is early in the development of a device that sits atop TVs and integrates with telemedicine provider American Well’s technology.

State leaders propose solutions to rising prescription drug costs

The National Academy for State Health Policy today issued 11 proposals to help states rein in ris

Perspective: Engaging members to shape the future

Despite what they say about gridlock and nothing going on in Washington, there actually is a lot going on in real time that has a real impact on our field … and we have the opportunity to influence