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2662 Results Found


ND providers to Senate: Go back to drawing board on health care reform

The North Dakota Hospital Association and North Dakota Medical Association last week shared their concerns about the U.S.

SXSW: Transforming Health through Partnerships and Transparency

From left to right are Faith Mitchell, Star Cunningham and Brian Gragnolati.

House Holds First of Three Legislative Hearings on Opioid Crisis

The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee this afternoon held the first of three planned hearings to examine the opioid crisis and possible legislative solutions, which reviewed several bills pertaining to the Controlled Substances Act.

From the front lines of health care

Senators returned to Washington this week to continue debate on legislation that would repeal and replace significant parts of the Affordable Care Act.

CDC: Flu vaccine 59% effective this year

This season’s flu vaccine has been 59% effective against the flu, comparable to past seasons with a well-matched vaccine, according to

AHA/UnidosUS Alliance is Strengthening to Address Youth Violence

The AHA’s work to address the social determinants of health and advance health equity, particularly in the form of novel partnerships and collaborations, underscores the imperative of change agents who are making a difference in their communities.
Chairperson's File

Chair File: Share Your Story - Winona Health

You may not know Rachelle Schultz of Winona, MN—but you probably can appreciate the concerns she has for her rural community.
AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

Texas Blues: Insurer Makes Push into Primary Care

It’s getting tougher and tougher to distinguish between insurers and providers — and even more so after Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas became the latest payer to move into primary care.

AHA, others urge Congress to fund CSR payments

The AHA and seven other national organizations this weekend urged congressional leaders to “take acti

Urge Your Senators to Protect Coverage

As you know, America’s hospitals and health systems are deeply disappointed in the House passage of the American Health Care Act because we believe it will jeopardize health coverage for millions o