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Special Bulletin

House Leaders Unveil Revised 21st Century Cures Bill

House leaders Nov. 25 unveiled a revised 21st Century Cures bill, which is intended to overhaul drug development and accelerate new cures and treatments.
Special Bulletin

AHA Unveils New Strategies to Ensure Access to Care in Vulnerable Communities

Today the AHA is releasing an innovative report from our Task Force on Ensuring Access in Vulnerable Communities.
Special Bulletin

CMS Issues Final Rule on Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2018

The CMS Dec. 16 issued a final rule that implements the standards governing health insurance issuers and the Health Insurance Marketplaces for 2018.
Special Bulletin

CMS Announces Details of New Accountable Care Organization Model

The CMS Dec. 20 released details on a new model for Medicare accountable care organizations (ACOs), Track 1+.
Special Bulletin

CMS Finalizes New Cardiac Bundle, Expansion of Hip/Knee Bundle

The CMS Dec. 20 finalized a new payment model that bundles payment to acute care hospitals for heart attack and cardiac bypass surgery services.
Special Bulletin

House Leadership Delays Vote on ACA Repeal Bill

House Leadership Delays Vote on ACA Repeal Bill
Special Bulletin

CMS Revises Documentation Requirement for CAH Necessary Providers

On Feb.

AHA, IOM Dear Colleague Letter Re: The Patient & Family Council Leadership Network

AHA and dear colleague letter regarding the Patient & Family Council Leadership Network.

AHA Comments to OMB on the Updated Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice (MOON)

Comment letter on the updated Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice (MOON).

AHA Members-only Toolkit on NAIC Model Network Adequacy Legislation

AHA Members-only Toolkit on NAIC Model Network Adequacy Legislation