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2662 Results Found

AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

To Drive Your Telehealth Strategy, Answer One Simple Question

It seems simple, but hospitals and health systems looking to expand their telehealth capabilities and services must first answer why telehealth is a solution for their organizations, patients and communities, said Kevin Curtis, M.D., medical director of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Center for Telehealth and Connected Care, at a recent AHA Executive Forum on addressing disruption through innovation and value in Boston.


Go to your local hospital, and you’ll see the women and men who work there filled with compassion for those under their care.
Trustee Articles

Burnout in Health Care

Health care leaders are learning more about burnout and working together to better address it.
Trustee Articles

Leading a Coordinated Community Response to COVID-19

During and moving beyond the pandemic, hospital and health system boards and executive teams need to keep community stakeholders engaged to forge a better state of health in their communities.
Case Studies

Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center - Hope Clinic and Pharmacy

What is it?The Hope Clinic and Pharmacy is a collaborative that provides free medical services to eligible individuals with a pre-determined chronic condition.
Case Studies

Clara Maass Medical Center- Residence-Based Healthcare for Homebound Seniors

What is it?Using a prevention-driven approach, the program expands access to quality medical care and delivers services such as assistance with insurance, medication, transportation and ot

CMS extends FL Medicaid demonstration waiver

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services last week extended Flo
Trustee Articles

Applying Lean Principles to Board Work

Health care is ripe for change. The evidence is all around us. A majority of health care leaders recently surveyed said hospitals and health systems are most in need of disruptive innovation (New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst, February 16, 2017). Consumers are taking charge of their own health and seeking providers that deliver high-quality, affordable and accessible care in ways they have come to expect from their favorite retailers. And disrupters from within and outside of health care are joining forces and competing with traditional health care organizations to give consumers what they are looking for.
Chairperson's File

Creating Healthy Communities

How do you measure success in creating a culture of health?