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2662 Results Found

AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

More Patients Are Hearing Bedside Voices — Without a Caregiver Present

With ever-increasing frequency, virtual assistant devices are finding their way into patient care. A recent report in STAT explains ways hospitals are finding new uses for these devices manufactured by Amazon, Google, Apple, Microsoft and others in areas like intensive care units and surgical recovery rooms. Some are imagining a future in which voice avatars like Alexa become a virtual member of the medical team.

Engagement, not loyalty, drives millennial nurses

Also in this weekly roundup of nurse-related news: remembering America’s first black nurse, and executive moves in the field.
Special Bulletin

President Signs $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 Relief Legislation

The Senate today voted 50-49 to approve a modified version of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package, which includes a number of provisions that affect hospitals and health systems. It is our understanding there may be some additional text changes to the bill that are not noted in the attached documents.

AHA Comments to the CMS Urging Changes to MA Prior Authorization Requirements for Public Health Emergencies

AHA encourages the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to work with Congress to require Medicare Advantage plans to waive prior authorization and other utilization management policies during public health emergencies, especially for hospitals transferring patients to post-acute care.

Circles of Influence 2007

Organization:  Covenant Hospice, Pensacola, FL.  The hospice’s innovations include its culture of leadership throughout the organ

Perspective: Leading transformation in health care delivery

The AHA is here to help hospitals and health systems build the future of health care delivery.  

Senate committee holds hearing on reauthorizing PAHPA

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee today held the first of two planned

Committee approves rural hospital and emergency psychiatric care bills

The Senate Finance Committee June 24 approved three AHA-backed bills to support access to hospital services in rural communities and to emergency psychiatric care for underserved and vulnerable pop

Clock is ticking on BCRA, Coverage for Millions at Risk

Next week, the Senate will reconvene in Washington to continue debate on the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), legislation that would repeal and replace significant parts of the Affordable Car