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2662 Results Found


The Road Ahead

As we all know by now, the U.S. House of Representatives did not vote on a bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act last week.

Chair File: The Impact of Health Care Coverage

We can work together to increase the number of people in our communities who have health insurance and the opportunity to reach their highest potential for health. 
AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

7 Steps to Achieve Organizational Well-Being

With nearly half of all U.S. physicians experiencing burnout, along with nurses and other care team members, the financial costs to the field are mounting. A recent study in the Annals of Internal Medicine pegged physician burnout costs to the field at between $2.6 billion and $6.3 billion a year — with a calculated baseline of about $4.6 billion. These costs are associated with factors like turnover and reduced productivity.

ICD-10 to add thousands of new diagnosis and procedure codes in FY 2017

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will add about 1,900 diagnosis codes and 3,651 hospital inpatient procedure codes to the ICD-10 codin

Nurse Revives Heart-attack Victim at Airport; Recruitment Changes Lower Staff Vacancies

Also in this weekly roundup of nurse news: executive moves in the field.
AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

Intermountain to Bring More Services for Seniors to Their Homes

In another example of how hospitals and health systems can broaden the scope of their virtual care programs, Intermountain Healthcare is expanding its well-established Homecare & Hospice program to include home-based primary care and some traditional services.
Case Studies

Decreasing Outpatient Behavioral Health Wait Times Using Lean/Six Sigma Techniques and the Open Access Evidence-based Model

The traditional behavioral health access model of calling for an appointment which is subsequently scheduled two to three weeks later, leads to prolonged wait times for clients thereby decreasing t
AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

Virtual Care Gets Another Big Boost at NewYork-Presbyterian

In a move that will further expand its robust virtual care services, NewYork-Presbyterian has launched The Hauser Institute for Health Innovation. The institute will focus on programs and solutions that leverage telehealth technology to make care more convenient and accessible.

Federal Court Voids CMS Rule on Medicaid DSH Audits

The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia this week voided a CMS rule regarding how third-party payments are treated for purposes of calculating the hospital-specific limitation on Medicaid disproportionate share hospital payments.