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2662 Results Found


Perspective: Demystifying AI’s role in the future of health care

This is just one way AHA is working to help hospitals and health systems transform and advance health in America.
AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

Need a Deal on MRI or CT Scan? Grab a Coupon

If you needed any more proof that consumers are getting more aggressive in finding ways to lower their health care costs, look no further than the growing presence of Groupon and MDsave in offering coupons and vouchers for health care tests.

The healing arts

Imagine a care setting in which psychiatric patients can move to music with guidance from a principal dancer in a ballet company; in which a cellist plays in outpatient waiting rooms, distracting t
Case Studies

Medication Verification Process Across Multiple Disciplines to Prevent Patient Harm from Potential Medication Errors

Patient safety is the number one priority at this facility.

Meeting behavioral health needs of seniors during COVID-19

Today marks the first day of Mental Health Awareness Month, an important topic especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Brent Forester, M.D., chief of the Center of Excellence in Geriatric Psychiatry at McLean Hospital in Massachusetts, discusses how and why we should pay special attention to older Americans who may be suffering from COVID-19, separated from loved ones or lost important routines. Read more.

Perspective: It’s Time to End Human Trafficking

“Human trafficking exists all around us.” That’s a quote from Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar during his visit to Atlanta this week to meet with human trafficking victims.

Chair File: United Against the Flu

Before we can help others, hospital workers must be healthy themselves—which is why hospitals monitor for sick health care workers and adhere to hand hygiene practices and droplet precautions.  

CHA President and CEO Sister Carol Keehan announces retirement

Sister Carol Keehan this week announced that she will retire as president and CEO of the Catholic Health Association of the United States.

Court denies HHS request for stay in 340B price transparency case

A federal court today denied the Department of Health and Human Services’ motion for a stay in a lawsuit challenging the excessive delay in the effective date for the 340B price transparency rule.

FCC Chair Expresses Support for Increasing Rural Telehealth Program

The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government today held a hearing on the Federal Communications Commission’s and Federal Trade Commission’s budget request for fiscal year 2019.