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2662 Results Found

AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

Health System Venture Funds Place Their Bets on Innovation

With ever-increasing frequency, hospitals and health systems are establishing or expanding venture funds in search of the next startup that could revolutionize health care. Consider some recent transactions.

House urges administration to reverse its position in ACA lawsuit

The House of Representatives today voted 240-186 to approve a resolution urging the administration to reverse its decision to seek to invalidate the Affordable Care Act in ongoing litigation.

Coalition campaign: 'Tell Congress don't cut hospital care'

As Congress prepares to address a physician payment fix, the Coalition to Protect America’s Health Care this week launched a new television

MedPAC approves 2021 payment recommendations

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission recommended that Congress provide a 2% market-basket update for the hospital inpatient and outpatient prospective payment systems in 2021.

Wurth participates on panel at Miami forum

AHA Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Maryjane Wurth today participated on a panel as part of the University of Miami School of Business Administration's conference on “The Business of Health Care: Technology & People: U.S. & Beyond.”

Nurse Leader Celebrated for Compassionate Care, Community Leadership; Nursing Community Coalition Opposes Workforce Spending Cuts

The White House fiscal year 2019 budget proposal released last week includes deep cuts to Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development Programs, something the Nursing Community Coalition opposes.

Hospital groups point IRS to evidence for including housing as community benefit

The AHA, Catholic Health Association of the United States, and Association of American Medical Colleges last week

AHA shares tax reform concerns with House, Senate conferees

The AHA today urged House and Senate conferees on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to adopt the Senate position maintaining tax exemption for private activity bonds, including qualified 501(c)(3) hospital

AHA-supported maternal health bills advance in House

The House Energy and Commerce Committee this week approved two AHA-supported bills to strengthen maternal care and access to care, including in rural areas.