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213 Results Found

Safer, smaller, smarter health tech

Iron lungs out. Surgical robots in. The heart-wrenching sight of rows of children trapped in iron lungs has given way to the ability to transplant lungs.

Senators urge CMS to consider stakeholders' concerns on 340B proposal

Fifty-seven senators Friday urged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to “carefully consider stakeholder feedback” before the agency finalizes its proposal to reduce Medicare Par
Case Studies

Dignity Health Mercy and Memorial Hospitals - Beyond the Walls

What is it?The “Beyond the Walls” program operates three outreach centers located in some of the most impoverished areas of Bakersfield.
Rural Health Update

Rural Health Update - October, 2020


Report: The Importance of Health Coverage

Find out why health insurance is important and what the importance of medical insurance coverage in the United States is to Americans. U.S. health insurance facilitates access to care and is associated with lower death rates, better health outcomes, and improved productivity. Why is it important to have health insurance?
Trustee Articles

Artificial Intelligence - The Next Revolution in Information Technology

Boards need to understand artificial intelligence to evaluate its evolving benefits and risks.

AHA Testimony for the Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight

Tax-exempt hospitals have special obligations to their communities in exchange for that privilege. They report the amounts they spend on community benefits yearly and conduct a community needs assessment at least every three years. There is no doubt that these hospitals both meet and exceed any requirements and expectations that attach to the privilege of tax exemption.

How a hospital collaborative is increasing life expectancy on Chicago’s West Side

The secret to healthy, long lives lies in their social determinants. Six hospitals in a vulnerable area of Chicago pooled resources and ideas to address those determinants holistically, creating vibrant neighborhoods and boosting economic vitality along the way.

Investing in healthy cities

What does it mean for a health system to invest fully in its community?
Case Studies

Froedtert Hospital - Neighborhood School Nurse Initiative

OverviewThe Neighborhood School Nurse Initiative is a collaborative effort between Froedtert Hospital, Westside Academies (a K-8 public charter school), and Progressive Community Health Ce