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2666 Results Found


AHA Senate Statement: Recruiting, Revitalizing & Diversifying: Examining the Health Care Workforce Shortage

Statement of the American Hospital Association to the Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety of the

CMS: Medicare will pay for post-transplant drugs delivered to hospital

Medicare Part B suppliers may deliver the initial immunosuppressive drugs prescribed to a beneficiary after a transplant procedure to an address other than their home to ensure timely access to the medications at discharge.

Improving Perinatal Safety

H-ISAC: White Reports

H-ISAC TLP Green: Coronavirus Daily Update - May 25, 2021

Daily Recap of major Headlines, the “Good Stuff”, US Snapshots, US Vaccinations, US Variant Cases, key Highlights, as well as key Statistics, Vaccine and Treatment information, US Restrictions and the Back to Normal Index related to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

A Systematic, Big Data Approach to Reducing Burnout and Violence May 25

This presentation describes a prioritized wellness model modified from Maslow’s Hierarchy and a systematic process including assessment (focus group, harvesting other available data and tailored brief surveys), transitioning from data to action using the prioritized model, action team formation and execution, and ongoing progress at a number of multi-hospital systems. Individual system profiles or “burnout fingerprints” and common patterns during and prior to Covid-19, as well as lessons learned will be presented.

Perspective: Insights from the AHA Annual Meeting

We at the AHA are honored to represent America’s hospitals and health systems and are proud to be your partner on this journey. As National Hospital Week draws to a close, thank you for all you do every day to advance health in America.

AHA’s Newest COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence Resources Include Video, Webinar and Infographic

A roundup of new resources for increasing the public’s confidence in COVID-19 vaccines.

Hospitals need predictability

Hospitals need a predictable partner in the federal government – one that won’t cut Medicare funding for hospital services to pay for other programs, AHA Executive Vice President Rick P

Nickels updates hospital leaders on legislation, AHA advocacy goals

This year’s wildly unpredictable presidential campaign and a truncated legislative calendar has Congress less active and more cautious than usual, AHA Executive Vice President Tom Nickels tol
Case Studies

St. Joseph Hospital - Lighten Up Nashua

What is it?Lighten Up Nashua is a free, online weight-loss program for the community designed to motivate individuals and teams to focus their energy on achieving a healthy lifestyle.