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Other Resources

Getting Started with TeamSTEPPS | Team Training | Center

TeamSTEPPS (Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety) is designed to help health care professionals improve patient safety and quality through effective communication and teamwork skills.

Coverage is Key

This week, House Republicans unveiled a bill to repeal and replace parts of the Affordable Care Act. While we continue to work with lawmakers on advancing our health care system, we cannot support this bill in its current form.

Your Voice Is Critical As Congress Wraps Up

As early as next week, Congress could vote on a final tax reform bill. The House and Senate have each passed different versions, and now both houses have appointed conferees to shape the final bill. Now is the time to contact your legislators, especially if they are Republicans, and urge them to support AHA’s advocacy positions on issues critical to the field, including protecting the individual mandate, access to tax-exempt bond financing and the interest expense deduction for debt, among other items.
H-ISAC: White Reports

Health-ISAC TLP Green: Coronavirus Daily Update - November 23, 2020

Seminars and Workshops

Leading Well from Within (Virtual) | Team Training | Center

Our new 90-minute virtual workshop will share tools and approaches that support high-performing leaders and teams. Discover powerful strategies that will empower you to create a culture of connection, creativity and unwavering commitment within your health care team.
Other Resources

Pediatricians Lead Diaper Donation Efforts for Parents in Need

To meet the needs of parents with babies during the pandemic, pediatricians and staff at Monument Health Spearfish in South Dakota are coordinating donations of diapers.

AHA Letter to Senator Warner on Cybersecurity Policy Options in the Health Care Sector

The American Hospital Association (AHA) writes to provide feedback on the cybersecurity policy proposals released in Senator Mark R. Warner's report last month. Cybersecurity is, at its core, a necessary element of patient safety for hospitals and health systems.

Five Ways Commercial Insurer Policies Drive Up Costs and Hurt Patients

The AHA is committed to further identifying ways to improve health care system efficiency while providing the highest quality of care.
Special Bulletin

Special Bulletin: URGENT: HHS Extends Deadline to Submit Data Related to Funding for COVID-19 High Impact Areas

Earlier this week, HHS announced it will make targeted distributions to hospitals and other facilities that have been particularly affected by the increased burden of caring for those with the COVID-19. HHS asked all hospitals to submit certain data via a vendor portal called TeleTracking to help inform how it will distribute funding.

Study: Lack of risk adjustment in CJR program may penalize hospitals

The Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement bundled payment program may unintentionally penalize hospitals because it lacks a mechanism, such as risk adjustment, to sufficiently account for patien