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2667 Results Found


CMS: Accelerated/advanced payments climb to $51B

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has delivered more than $51 billion in Medicare accelerated and advance payments to Part A providers, including hospitals, and Part B suppliers to combat resource challenges related to COVID-19.

Why America’s international sharing of vaccines is not enough

Let’s also engage U.S. health systems to guide global vaccination efforts on the ground

Chair File: Continuing to Care for Those Saving Lives

Our just-concluded National Hospital Week provided many great opportunities to express our heartfelt thanks to the remarkable caregivers who continue to minister to COVID-19 patients—and all patients who come through our hospital and health system doors—every day in every community across America.

Consumerism Forcing Change in Health IT; Drone Deliveries; and Medicaid and Rural Hospitals

Read about health care organizations' needs to pick up the pace in embracing consumerism; health care uses for drone deliveries; and how health care has been inextricably linked to Medicaid in rural areas.
Case Studies

Anna Jaques Hospital - AJH Pedometer Community

What is it?The AJH Pedometer Community is a program for second-graders in the Triton Regional Elementary, and Newburyport Elementary school systems, designed to raise awareness of the impo

Hospitals step up efforts to fight opioid abuse epidemic

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Misuse of prescription opioids is reaching

Another appeals court reverses decision voiding Medicaid DSH rule

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit this week reversed a district court ruling that permanently barred the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services from including private insurance and Medicare payments when calculating the Medicaid shortfall component of the hospital-specific limit on disproportionate share hospital payments.
H-ISAC: White Reports

H-ISAC TLP Green Coronavirus Daily Update March 30, 2021

Major Headlines, US Snapshots, US Vaccinations, US Variant Cases, key Highlights, as well as key Statistics, Vaccine and Treatment information, US Restrictions and the Back to Normal Index related to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Summer Enrichment Program Intern Information

The Summer Enrichment Program pairs diverse scholars with leading organizations in order to strengthen the pipeline and build the next generation of diverse executives.