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Fostering Stronger Payer-Provider Relationships - AHA Virtual Executive Dialogue Series, August 27

The weekly series, Virtual Executive Dialogues - Please join us to discuss the critical collaboration between payers and providers that is going to be a crucial part of the hospital field’s rebuilding and recovery phases.

FDA Commissioner on ‘Kabuki Drug-Pricing Constructs;’ Puerto Rico Hospital’s Hurricane Recovery; and More News

Also in this week’s roundup: Intermountain Healthcare’s efforts to extend medical services outside of traditional hospital walls; and a new survey showing more patients wanting access to digital health care.

AI in Health Care: Defining expectations, identifying risks and determining the role of AI in a dynamic healthcare environment, Sept 3

The weekly series, Virtual Executive Dialogues - Please join us to discuss the critical collaboration between payers and providers that is going to be a crucial part of the hospital field’s rebuilding and recovery phases.
Special Bulletin

OSHA Withdraws ETS for Occupation Exposure to COVID-19

This document outlines OSHA’s Dec. 27, 2021, decision to withdraw its emergency temporary standard for occupation exposure to COVID-19.

AHA ads in newsletter spotlight 100 Million Mask Challenge, thank health care heroes

The AHA is running ads in Axios newsletters to highlight hospitals and health systems efforts in response to COVID-19.
Other Cybersecurity Reports

H-ISAC TLP Green Coronavirus Daily Update April 8, 2021

The major Headlines, the “Good Stuff”, US Snapshots, US Vaccinations, US Variant Cases, key Highlights, as well as key Statistics, Vaccine and Treatment information, US Restrictions and the Back to Normal Index related to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
H-ISAC: White Reports

H-ISAC TLP Green Coronavirus Daily Update April 7, 2021

The major Headlines, the “Good Stuff”, US Snapshots, US Vaccinations, US Variant Cases, key Highlights, as well as key Statistics, Vaccine and Treatment information, US Restrictions and the Back to Normal Index related to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
Case Studies

Massachusetts General Hospital - Senior HealthWISE Program

What is it?Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Senior HealthWISE (Wellness, Involvement, Support and Education) is a program of the MGH Center for Community Health Improvement (CCHI) and

The Value of AHA Membership in 2020

This past year, the COVID-19 public crisis has tested our country and our health care system like never before. All the while, AHA members have been a source of stability and comfort, providing care under unprecedented circumstances. Your leadership during this difficult time has been an inspiration.
AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

Mass Events Make Vaccines Accessible

On a recent Saturday in South Philadelphia, Tyrique Glasgow volunteered to be a patient ambassador to spread the word about a one-day COVID-19 vaccination clinic being run by Penn Medicine and Mercy Catholic Medical Center in a local gym.