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CMS opens registration for May 12 webinar on overall hospital star ratings methodology

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today opened registration for a May 12 webinar o

President signs two-year budget deal

The president Nov. 2 signed into law the Bipartisan Budget Act, P.L. 114-74, passed by Congress last week to raise the nation’s debt limit and set spending targets for the federal budget for the next two fiscal years. Site-neutral payments for new provider-based hospital outpatient departments are included in the legislation – a provision that was strongly opposed by the AHA.

CMS extends Indiana Medicaid waiver; work requirement contingent on court

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services conditionally approved Indiana’s request to require some adult Medicaid beneficiaries to work or participate in other “community engagement” activities to remain eligible for coverage, contingent on the Supreme Court legally authorizing the provisions.
Press Releases

AHA Statement on Senate Passage of COVID-19 Relief Legislation

America’s hospitals and health systems, and our heroic caregivers, have been on the front-lines leading the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic for over a year.

Next Steps for Puerto Rico Hospitals

How do you fully recover from a Category 5 storm? And plan for the next one? Those are the questions Puerto Rico’s hospital leaders continue to ask five months after Hurricane Maria’s 155-miles-per hour winds left the island’s health system on life support. 

CMS: 3-day waiver also applies to swing-bed care

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services clarified that the agency is waiving the Medicare coverage requirement for a three-day prior hospitalization requirement for both skilled nursing facilities and swing-bed services.
Case Studies

Hannibal Regional Hospital - Hannibal Free Clinic

What is it?With leadership from Hannibal Regional Hospital, the Hannibal Free Clinic opened in May 2007 to provide access to primary medical care.
Case Studies

Avera St. Luke's Hospital - Nurturing New Families

What is it?Nurturing New Families is a no-cost service that ensures timely visits with new mothers and their babies for early identification of jaundice as well as support for breastfeedin
Other Resources

Amid Pandemic, Hospitals and Communities Support Each Other

Hackensack Meridian Health is partnering with community organizations to help meet increasing needs for food and other essentials during the pandemic.