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2668 Results Found


CMS releases hospital star ratings

Over the strong objections of the hospital field, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today released its new star ratings for hospitals on the

Heart Healthy Apps Seen Improving Patients’ Health at MA Hospital

In an effort to change patients’ behavior, the hospital last year teamed up with Cambridge-Mass.-based Twine Health to launch an apps-based initiative that allows caregivers to check in with their patients and help them follow through on their health goals. 
Issue Brief

New AHA Report Finds Losses Deepen for Hospitals and Health Systems Due to COVID-19

A new AHA report finds that the immense financial strain facing hospitals and health systems due to COVID-19 will continue through at least the end of 2020, with patient volume expected to remain well below baseline levels. The report estimates total losses for the nation’s hospitals and health systems of at least $323.1 billion in 2020.

Rocking the boat can be the best course for hospital boards

Many board members at local, independent hospitals have expertise in a wide range of industries, but they often do not have specialist skills in governing hospitals in today’

Perspective: New research confirms that hospital mergers reduce costs and enhance quality of care

Health care is experiencing unprecedented change: the field is shifting to value-based care; new players are entering the health care field; and patients want services to be provided in a more conv

CMS announces additional actions in response to Texas weather emergency

In response to the Texas storm emergency, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced further flexibilities for Texas health care facilities in addition to the existing pandemic waivers.
Special Bulletin

House Approves $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 Relief Reconciliation Bill with Provisions Affecting Hospitals and Health Systems

The House of Representatives early this morning voted 219-212 to approve a modified version of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, legislation to provide reconciliation protection for a roughly $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package, which includes a number of provisions that affect hospitals and health systems.
Rural Health Update

Rural Health News Update - August 22, 2022


FDA releases FAQs on remdesivir EUA, antibody tests

The Food and Drug Administration updated its FAQs on the emergency use authorization of remdesivir for use on certain hospitalized COVID-19 patients. The document includes information on the changes to Gilead’s fact sheets for health care providers and patient caregivers.

AHA continues to debunk false claims about COVID-19 deaths and payments

For the last several months, disturbing and unproven theories have gained attention about the death count for COVID-19.