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General Information Page


Facility Design Optimizes Health Care Access

While we were finishing up this issue of the magazine, Jonathan Perlin, M.D., the chair of the American Hospital Association’s board of trustees, and president of clinical services and chief
Questions and Answers (Q&As)

Advancing Health for LGBTQ Communities

Dr. Carl G. Streed Jr., M.D. discusses his personal mission to advance health care for LGBTQ communities.
Action Alert
Member Non-Fed

Urge Your Lawmakers to Support Bills to Extend Moratorium on 2% Medicare Sequester Cuts

Alert urging member action to secure congressional support for extending the Medicare sequestration moratorium past April 1.

Regulatory Relief for Rural Health Care

There is growing frustration about the amount of time and resources being devoted to pushing paper-or its electronic version-versus spending time on care. The bottom line: patients have less time with their caregivers; they have unnecessary hurdles in receiving care; and the regulatory burden increases health care costs.

Ask Your Republican Senators to Sign on to ‘Dear Colleague’ Letter on Provider Relief Fund Reporting Requirements

Please contact your Republican senators today and ask them sign on to a “Dear Colleague” letter to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) expressing concerns that a Sept. 19 change in HHS’ COVID-19 Provider Relief Fund (PRF) reporting requirements will create uncertainty and financial hardship for hospitals, particularly those in rural areas.

Whats next for us

Trustee magazine will cease to publish after the June issue. 
Press Releases

AHA names new trustee to the board

AHA elected Phyllis Cowling to fill a vacancy on its Board of Trustees for one year, effective Jan. 1, 2021.