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2018 Meeting Highlights of the Council of the Section for Metropolitan Hospitals

The Metro Section Council meets three times a year and actively advises the AHA on advocacy positions, public policy issues, and member service strategies. Please read the meeting highlights below:

Health Insurer Price Transparency Rule That Takes Effect July 1 Could Spotlight Media Attention on Hospitals

The transparency in coverage rule takes effect July 1, imposing new transparency requirements on most group health plans and issuers of health insurance coverage in the individual and group markets. Beginning next month most health plans must disclose publicly in machine-readable files all in-network negotiated rates and out-of-network allowed amounts. Tech disruptors and hospital critics have signaled their intention to make immediate use of the data to promote through the media their existing advocacy around provider pricing.

AHA Letter to Senate Leadership Regarding Funding for Health Care Programs for Fiscal Year 2024

AHA letter to Senate leadership regarding funding for health care programs for fiscal year 2024.

AHA Letter House Leadership Regarding Funding for Health Care Programs for Fiscal Year 2024

AHA letter to Representatives Robert Aderholt and Rosa DeLauro regarding funding for health care programs for fiscal year 2024.
Press Releases

AONE Changes Name to Foster Inclusivity

To reflect its commitment towards creating an environment inclusive of all nurse leaders, the American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) announced today it is changing its name to the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL). The revitalized brand includes using a new tagline: Education. Advocacy. Community.
Action Alert
Member Non-Fed

Urge Your Senators and Representatives to Support Hospitals and Health Systems in End-of-Year Legislation

Congress is back in Washington, D.C., and sprinting to the finish line to complete its end-of-the-year work during the “lame-duck” session. Funding for the federal government, as well as other key health care provisions, are set to expire Dec. 11.

Making the Case

Hospital leaders earlier this week came to Washington for an AHA-hosted Advocacy Day briefing that laid the groundwork for meetings with lawmakers on Capitol Hill. Front and center in those talks were our concerns about stopping the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services from moving forward with proposed regulations implementing “site-neutral” payment for new off-campus provider-based outpatient departments.

Chair File: Advancing Health Equity — Now

In the 55 years since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke those words, our nation has made some progress to ensure all individuals have an equal opportunity to reach their healthiest life — but we still have a long way to go.
Press Releases

AHA’s Tom Nickels to Retire in 2021; Stacey Hughes to Join the Association

AHA’s Tom Nickels to Retire in 2021; Stacey Hughes to Join the Association

Opioid Stewardship and Use Disorders Hub

AHA developed a suite of opioid stewardship strategies, guides and other resources to help hospitals and health systems address the growing epidemic.