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796 Results Found


Environmental Sustainability in the World of Health care

There is growing awareness in the health care field that becoming a better steward of the environment is something well within the capabilities of most health caregivers.
Action Alert
Member Non-Fed

Urge Your Lawmakers to Support Hospitals as Congress Moves Forward on COVID-19 Relief Legislation

Congress is back in Washington, D.C., and its top focus will be passing President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief legislation.
Other Resources

Behavioral Health Update Cover - February 2019

Behavioral Health Update February 2019 2019 Section new leaders, learning opportunities, advocacy and regulatory update, and more n

Behavioral Health Update: April 2018 Cover

Update on Key Issues in the Behavioral Health Care Field: April 2018

Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Update - Summer 2017

This issue of the CAH Update reviews Hill action on efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), reviews the federal budget, identifies AHA's advocacy agenda and outlines recent rulemaking and regulatory policy concerns effecting CAHs.
Board Checklists

Seven Steps to Designing an Effective Education Process

A successful governance education process requires commitment, collaboration and consensus. Below is an outline of how a board of trustees may design a process that will ensure optimum development of leadership knowledge and effectiveness...
Board Checklists

Seven Steps to Designing an Effective Governance Education Process Tool

A successful governance education process requires commitment, collaboration and consensus. This resource serves as an outline of how a board of trustees may design a process that will ensure optimum development of leadership knowledge and effectiveness.
Rural Health Update

Rural Health Update April 2021

AHA Rural Health Services tracks the issues, develops policies and identifies solutions to our most pressing problems.

On Capitol Hill, hospital leaders urge Congress to protect patients

Nearly 100 hospital and health system leaders today came together in Washington, D.C., to urge lawmakers to take action on critical issues facing patients and protect access to care.
Trustee Magazine Articles

How Boards Can Support Suicide Prevention Initiatives