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Fact Sheets

Constituency Section for Metropolitan Hospitals Factsheet

The AHA Section for Metropolitan Hospitals represents the Nation’s metropolitan/urban, suburban, public and teaching hospitals.
340B Advocacy Alliance Bulletin

340B Advocacy Alliance Bulletin: Urge Your Members of Congress to Support Legislative Efforts to Provide Greater Certainty for 340B Hospitals

Please contact your members of Congress and urge them

AHA Letter to Congress on Year-End Behavioral Health Priorities

The AHA believes physical and mental health care are inextricably linked, and everyone deserves access to quality behavioral health care. We write to encourage Congress to take steps to provide relief to those seeking and administering behavioral health care.

Latest Meeting Highlights of the Council of the Section for Small or Rural Hospitals

The Small/Rural Section Council meets three times a year and actively advises the AHA on advocacy positions, public policy issues, and member service strategies.

Your Voice Is Critical As Congress Wraps Up

As early as next week, Congress could vote on a final tax reform bill. The House and Senate have each passed different versions, and now both houses have appointed conferees to shape the final bill. Now is the time to contact your legislators, especially if they are Republicans, and urge them to support AHA’s advocacy positions on issues critical to the field, including protecting the individual mandate, access to tax-exempt bond financing and the interest expense deduction for debt, among other items.

Behavioral Health Update: Cover Note (July 2019)

Update on Key Issues in the Behavioral Health Care Field: July 2019

Nickels updates hospital leaders on legislation, AHA advocacy goals

This year’s wildly unpredictable presidential campaign and a truncated legislative calendar has Congress less active and more cautious than usual, AHA Executive Vice President Tom Nickels tol
Rural Health Update

Rural Health Update August 19, 2021

August 19, 2021
General Information Page

The Value of Membership: Redefining The “A” To Meet Your Needs

Evolving Communications & Digital Offerings

Day 2 Highlights from the 2021 AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference

Attendees of the 2021 AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference kicked off its second day with a virtual series of workshops.