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796 Results Found


AHA Advocacy Alert on Funding Bill to Combat COVID-19

Contact Your Senators, Representative Today and Urge Them to Provide $100 Billion in Funding to Hospitals and Health Systems in Coronavirus Legislation Please reach o

Perspective: We Must Keep Our Hospitals Strong and Communities Healthy

In order to achieve this mission, hospitals must remain financially viable. But for many hospitals and health systems that’s becoming increasingly difficult as they manage the aftermath and aftershocks of the most significant public health crisis in a century, all of which occurs against the backdrop of historic workforce shortages, broken supply chains, and rabid inflation that has increased the cost of caring.
Landing Page

Competencies: Workforce Competency Development

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AHA Responds to Request for Information on Drug Shortages

The Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers Chair Committee on Energy and Commerce
Rural Health Update

AHA Rural Health News Update - April 15, 2022

340B Advocacy Alliance Bulletin

340B Advocacy Alliance Bulletin: AHA disappointed that CMS proposes to continue cuts to 340B in OPPS rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services July 19 released its calendar year 2022 outpatient prospective payment system/ambulatory surgical center proposed rule.

We Must Keep Our Hospitals Strong as Severe Financial Challenges Threaten Access to Care

As part of those efforts, we’ll be releasing radio spots that we recorded with state, metropolitan and regional hospital association executives this week and spotlighting case studies from hospitals describing the challenges they are facing.

AHA Voices Support for H.R.7236, Strengthen Kids’ Mental Health Now Act of 2022

AHA letter to Representatives Eshoo and Fitzpatrick, the AHA expressing support their legislation, H.R.7236, Strengthen Kids’ Mental Health Now Act of 2022.

Perspective: Speaking with One Voice to Advocate for Strong Hospitals and Healthy Communities

Hospital and health system leaders from across the country next weekend will begin to arrive in Washington, D.C.

AHA Expresses Concern about Potential Impact of H.R. 3648, the Equal Access to Green Cards for Legal Employment Act of 2022

AHA expresses concern about the potential impact of H.R. 3648, the Equal Access to Green Cards for Legal Employment (EAGLE) Act of 2022