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Rural Health Update

Rural Health News Update October 18, 2023

The following is a compilation of recent news from the AHA and its Rural Health Services team, whose focus is to ensure that rural hospitals’ and health systems’ unique needs are national priorities.

Working Together to Advance Health in America

Hospital and health system leaders from across the country next weekend will begin to arrive in Washington, D.C. for the 2023 AHA Annual Membership Meeting

Health Care HR Professionals Amplify AHA Advocacy Agenda in June Hill Visit

Today’s health care human resource professionals are intimately familiar with the disruptive workforce challenges faced by the nation’s hospitals and health systems.
Action Alert

Urge Congress to Enact Key Priorities in Year-End Spending Package

As Congress deliberates on its lame-duck legislative agenda, the AHA continues to urge congressional leaders to include a number of key priorities in a year-end spending package.

Advocacy and the hospital trustee

Throughout the year, the American Hospital Association urges hospital leaders, including trustees, to engage federal legislators and advocate on issues important to the patients and communitie
Other Resources

We Are AHA

Advocacy Every year, a Rural Advocacy Agenda presented by the AHA to Congress lays out

During AHA Advocacy Day briefing, hospital and health system leaders urge Congress to provide more support

Hundreds of hospital and health system leaders today participated in an AHA advocacy virtual event to get the latest on Congress’ efforts to pass President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package and urge lawmakers to include provisions to support hospitals and health systems.

Leadership Dialogue Series: The Dynamic Work of Boards With Saint Luke’s Health System

The many pressures squeezing health care providers have all served to make the role of hospital trustees, or governing board members, more important than ever.

Executive Certificate in Diversity and Health Equity: Faculty

Meet the Executive Certificate in Diversity and Health Equity progam faculty and read faculty bios.