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Hospitals and Caregivers Embody Holiday Spirit Each and Every Day of the Year

Despite significant and ongoing challenges this year, hospitals and health systems can be proud of the job they do each and every day to care for our families, our friends and our neighbors.

Small or Rural Update

This issue of the Small or Rural Update discusses Congress’ activity around replacing and repealing the Affordable Care Act as well as reviews the federal budget, AHA representation and advocacy, rulemaking and regulatory policy.
Issue Brief

Integrating Physical and Behavioral Health: The Time is Now

Unparalleled workforce shortages, negative margins and increasing labor expenses are creating multiple challenges for hospitals and health systems — but integrating physical and behavioral health services can reduce the total cost of care, improve outcomes and improve workforce satisfaction.
Rural Health Update

Rural Health News Update January 18, 2024

The following is a compilation of recent news from the AHA and its Rural Health Services team, whose focus is to ensure that rural hospitals’ and health systems’ unique needs are national priorities.

Advocacy Issue Paper: Maintain Support for Small and/or Rural Hospitals

Advocacy Issue Paper: Maintain Support for Small and/or Rural Hospitals

At AHA Advocacy Day, Congress urged to protect patients on key issues

More than 300 hospital and health system leaders today gathered in Washington, D.C., to urge their lawmakers to take action on critical issues facing patients and protect access to care. During an AHA Advocacy Day briefing, AHA leaders gave updates on Capitol Hill developments and outlined some of the association’s main priorities.
Other Resources

Engaging Our System Leaders

We foster dialogue among system executives and offer opportunities to actively shape polices and set direction for the association and field.
340B Advocacy Alliance Bulletin

AHA 340B Advocacy Alliance Bulletin: June 22, 2023

AHA 340B Advocacy Alliance Bulletin: June 22, 2023.
340B Advocacy Alliance Bulletin

340B Advocacy Alliance Bulletin: Federal District Judge Issues Ruling In Eli Lilly 340B Contract Pharmacy Case

A federal district court judge in Indiana Friday agreed with the government’s contention that the 340B statute would permit the Department of Health and Human Services to require that the drug company Eli Lilly offer 340B discounts for drugs distributed by hospitals through community pharmacies, finding that this was the best reading of the what the 340B statute requires

Advocacy Issue Paper: Reject Reductions to Assistance to Low-income Medicare Beneficiaries

AHA Advocacy Issue Paper: Reject Reductions to Assistance to Low-income (Bad Debt)