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Blog: Health care workers, it’s time to care for yourselves

This year has been unlike any other in our lifetimes. As health care providers, we are always ready to run toward the challenge, to become a place of refuge and heal our communities. None of this is new, but this year has stretched our ability to do this and ensure our own resiliency.

Using Lessons from the Pandemic to Reimagine Health Care

Even as we continue to address COVD-19 challenges, let’s consider the experiences of the past year, looking for lessons learned and opportunities for the future. Here are four major areas that changed during the pandemic and are likely to keep transforming health care in the year ahead.
Chairperson's File

Chair File: Local Coalition Designs a Healthy Community

Partnering—not competing—with other health organizations is how many hospitals are working to improve traditional medical care.

In 2022, we were bold. In 2023, we’ll do even more.

Bold. It’s a small but powerful word to describe the efforts of the Institute of Diversity and Health Equity in 2022.

Blog: Transgender Day of Visibility

Each year, health professionals and community organizers team up for National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week, held March 21-25).

How Hospitals Are Benefiting the Communities They Serve

POLITICO’s recent piece on the impact of the Affordable Care Act on non-profit hospitals is an incomplete and inaccurate understanding of the situation hospitals currently face and the ben

My Path to a Seat at the Table

Chairperson's File

Chair File: Community Partners Identify Needs and Lead Change

Community health initiatives that start with small successes can lead to bigger changes. St.

Setting the Record Straight on Community Benefit

A recent study questioned how nonprofit hospitals communic