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237 Results Found


Building healthier communities

Recognizing the work that great hospitals do to help to build stronger communities is critically important. A stellar example is Massachusetts General Hospital, the recipient of the 2015 Foster G.

Hospitals’ Spirit of Caring Shines Bright through a Challenging Year

Despite unprecedented challenges this year, hospitals and health systems can be proud of the job they do each and every day to care for our families, our friends and our neighbors.

Putting Age-Friendly Care Principles into Action

Health care organizations receive free guidance on providing age-friendly care, part of the seven-month Age-Friendly Health Systems Action Community led by the American Hospital Association

Volunteers Working to Combat Violence in Communities

The commitment to address and work to end violence in our communities and hospitals is a priority for all members of the hospital staff and care teams.

Hospitals Are Essential Anchors in Their Communities

Recent events have reminded us that in times of crisis, whether natural or man-made, hospitals are always there, ready to care.

Ensuring Access in Vulnerable Communities

In a report released today, an AHA task force unveiled a set of nine strategies for maintaining access to health care services in vulnerable communities.

Chair File: Working to Create Age-Friendly Health Systems

There were 54 million U.S. residents 65 or older in 2019, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The agency projects that number will grow by nearly 30 million (to 84 million) by 2050. 

Chair File: Building Age-Friendly Health Systems to Improve Care for Older Adults

Back in 2011, the first wave of Baby Boomers — people born from 1946 to 1964 — celebrated their 65th birthday. That marked a new demographic trend: the aging of the U.S. population.

How two rural hospitals are engaging in innovative practices to meet the needs of their communities

AHA staff recently visited two rural hospitals to see and hear firsthand how leaders are engaging in innovative practices to increase accessibility and affordability for their communities.