Quality & Patient Safety

At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government moved quickly to ensure hospitals and health systems were able to respond efficiently and effectively to a wave of unprecedented need.
Hospital care teams are inundated each day by hospital alarm systems that alert them to changes in a patient’s status.
Each year the AHA Quest for Quality Prize recognizes hospitals and health systems that are achieving high-quality care and improving community health. The AHA heartily encourages your organization to apply for the 2023 award.
Welcome to the American Hospital Association's special podcast series, Just Lead, a look at how hospitals and health systems that have been recognized with AHA Awards for innovation, collaboration, and health equity are transforming health care for their communities.
Ordering the right test at the right time is crucial to providing evidence-based patient care to achieve the highest quality outcomes.
Effective laboratory stewardship programs can help hospitals and health systems optimize testing, reduce costs and improve care.
Hospitals and health systems recognize the importance of commercial health insurance, which millions of Americans rely on to receive coverage. Unfortunately, some commercial insurer policies may hurt patients, contribute to clinician burnout and drive up the cost of care.
A Quality Leadership Roundtable that took place at the 2022 American Hospital Association Leadership Summit in San Diego. Hosted by the AHA Living Learning Network.
The AHA today released a new report highlighting numerous commercial health insurer policies that compromise patient safety and raise costs.
University Hospitals was the winner of the 2022 AHA Quest for Quality Prize.