Quality & Patient Safety

AHA Comments on AHRQ’s Request for Information on Creating a National Health Care System Action Alliance to Advance Patient Safety, Dec. 12, 2022
Join us for an interactive webinar where you will learn fundamental principles of storytelling and reflect on a personal story of your own. This workshop gives you the chance to work on your story and apply human-centered design to a wide variety of challenges that we face in health care. This…
Health care professionals are surrounded by immense complexity – different departments to navigate, IT challenges, regulations to follow, budget pressures and external dynamics. This webinar aims to show viewers how human-centered design can help energize and align teams around what they aspire to…
Human-centered design can help us deconstruct internal silos, nurture the well-being of our colleagues, improve quality, and inspire new ways of working. This webinar provides an introduction to human-centered design tools and methods while providing attendees multiple downloadable design tools and…
AHA Team Training's in-person TeamSTEPPS Master Training course will teach participants all the TeamSTEPPS tools and principles - what they are, how to use them, and how to implement them. This 2-day in-person course is led by an interprofessional faculty team with a "train-the-trainer" orientation…
Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and leaders from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Medicare…
Share the Advisory, which includes talking points, with your leadership and communications teams Patient and workforce safety are top priorities for hospitals and health systems.
The Department of Health and Human Services will host a Nov. 14 listening session with health care systems and other stakeholders on its plan to create a National Healthcare System Action Alliance to Advance Patient Safety. HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra will invite U.S. health care systems and other…
Hosted by the American Hospital Association in partnership with American Society of Anesthesiologists  Explore the factors that affect perioperative performance, the impact it has on your organization, and best practices to improve the patient and clinician experience with limited resources.…
#JustLead is a new AHA’s podcast series highlighting how hospitals and health systems that have been recognized with AHA Awards for innovation, collaboration, and health equity are transforming health care for their communities.