Today’s continuing resolution includes many important provisions that benefit the patients and communities America’s hospitals and health systems are privileged to serve each day. Importantly, this bill delays for two years cuts to Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital payments, which are…
The agency today extended for another six months its moratoria on enrollment of new Medicare home health agencies and and on new Part B non-emergency ground ambulance suppliers in certain states.
The president last night signed a continuing resolution funding the federal government through Feb. 8 and the Children’s Health Insurance Program for six years after the House and Senate approved the measure.
The Senate today voted to proceed to a vote on a continuing resolution that would fund the federal government through Feb. 8 and the Children’s Health Insurance Program for six years. The bill also would delay the Affordable Care Act’s medical device tax and so-called Cadillac tax on high-cost…
The House of Representatives voted 230-197 last night to approve a continuing resolution that would fund the federal government through Feb. 16 and the Children’s Health Insurance Program for six years.
House Appropriations Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) last night introduced a continuing resolution that would fund the federal government through Feb. 16 and the Children’s Health Insurance Program for six years. The bill also would delay the Affordable Care Act’s medical device tax and…