
American Hospital Association (AHA) testimonies to the United States House of Representatives, the United States Senate, and other government agencies.

Chairman Guthrie, Ranking Member Eshoo, and members of the Subcommittee, I am Ashley Thompson, senior vice president of public policy analysis and development, at the American Hospital Association (AHA). On behalf of our nearly 5,000 member hospitals and health systems, along with our clinician…
The AHA appreciates the opportunity to provide the subcommittee with information for its hearing on Examining Existing Federal Programs to Build a Stronger Health Workforce and Improve Primary Care.
AHA Statement before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health regarding Lowering Unaffordable Costs: Examining Transparency and Competition in Health Care.
AHA's statement before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions regarding health care workforce shortages.
AHA statement for the record as the Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, and Border Safety of the Committee on the Judiciary examines the importance of improving the immigration process in order to help alleviate America’s health care workforce shortage.
America’s hospitals and health systems play a central role in delivering health care in this country and are committed to the goal of affordable, comprehensive health coverage for every American. We believe we should build upon and improve our existing system to increase access to coverage of…
Statement of the American Hospital Association to the Committee on Finance of the United States Senate “Protecting Youth Mental Health: Part II - Identifying and Addressing Barriers to Care” February 15, 2022
Statement of the American Hospital Association to the Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions of the United States Senate “Recruiting, Revitalizing & Diversifying: Examining the Health Care Workforce Shortage” February 10, 2022