Social Determinants of Health

Denver Health has been treating and healing the people of Denver, Colorado for more than 160 years. Denver Health provides health care services to one in three residents of the metropolitan area. Many of its patients have complex health care and social needs, including the uninsured, people…
President and CEO John Chessare, M.D., shares how GBMC HealthCare began investing in its Baltimore community by specifically focusing on social determinants of health.
Technology was the topic for the May 17 plenary session discussion between Ivor Horn, M.D., director of health equity and social determinants of health at Google, and Joy A. Lewis, AHA senior vice president for health equity strategies and executive director of IFDHE.
State, local, territorial and tribal jurisdictions may apply through June 30 for grants of up to $500,000 each for three years to implement interventions to address social determinants of health across four domains: the built environment, community-clinical linkages, food and nutrition security,…
ProMedica’s approach to integrating social determinants of health “is designed to offer a helping hand, not a prescribed intervention,” writes the health system’s director of community impact in Michigan.
By taking a holistic approach and addressing the social determinants of health, ProMedica is working to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) April 4 issued its fiscal year (FY) 2024 proposed rule for the inpatient psychiatric facility (IPF) prospective payment system (PPS). .pane { border: solid 1px #9d2235 !important; } .module-typeC { border: solid 1px #9d2235 !important; }
Insights on the national effort to dismantle structural racism and provides resources to advance health equity in hospitals and health systems.
AHA presents a framework to support hospitals and health systems and actions they can take at each level (structural, community, personal) to improve health equity. Numerous studies have demonstrated a link between the social determinants of health and key health outcomes. AHA has worked to…