
Blogs from AHA leaders and members on the latest health care issues.

America’s hospitals and health systems, regardless of size, location and ownership type, provided essential care to their patients and communities during the pandemic. Congress recognized the critical role hospitals play as the backbone of our health care system and swiftly took steps in the early…
A new opinion piece supported by Arnold Ventures and published in the New England Journal of Medicine is another unfair assault on the only sector in health care that routinely gives back so much more to their communities than they receive in tax relief.
The American Society for Health Care Engineering Annual Conference will be held Aug. 6-9 in San Antonio. This gathering allows professionals to connect, discuss new and emerging trends, and explore long-standing issues.
A new study funded by Patient Rights Advocate adds to the evidence that physician-owned hospitals (POHs) are not comparable to or substitutes for full-service acute care hospitals.
The upcoming AHRMM annual conference, which will be held August 6-9 in Orlando, is an opportunity for supply chain leaders to collaborate, learn best practices and find solutions that benefit hospitals.
A recently published article in Health Affairs on hospital finances and financial assistance uses a flawed, debunked methodology to justify preconceived conclusions about how hospitals manage their finances.
In an era of high workforce turnover and concerns about infection control, it’s more important than ever for health care leaders to support their EVS teams. The AHA and its Association for the Health Care Environment professional member group offers several resources to help leaders support their…
The American Hospital Association Leadership Summit will take place July 16-18, 2023, in Seattle, WA, at the Seattle Convention Center.
Health care has always been a demanding profession, and the effects of the last few years have meant that health care workers have been asked to do more with less.
Arpan Waghray, M.D., CEO, Providence’s Well Being Trust Past Chair, American Hospital Association Committee on Behavioral Health