Quality & Patient Safety

AHA urged leaders of the Senate and House Appropriations Subcommittees on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education to give favorable funding consideration in fiscal year 2025 to health care programs shown to improve access to quality health care for patients and communities. 
The Department of Justice May 9 announced the formation of a task force focusing on competition concerns in health care.
Rebuild and restrengthen team collaboration and communication, and hold a shared mental model for teamwork and safety culture using TeamSTEPPS.
Whether you're looking to learn more about TeamSTEPPS, find data to show proof of concept, or access training materials to use in your organization, the AHA Team Training Resource Center has something to help you. Find links to a variety of flyers, videos, citations, slide decks and more!
Each TeamSTEPPS Success Story provides insights into the approaches and goals that shaped the journey, includes information on actions taken and outcomes measured, and shares recommendations for success from diverse TeamSTEPPS perspectives.
TeamSTEPPS aligns with organizational goals for improvement, with its focus on leadership, situation monitoring, mutual support and communication.
Investment in formal and standardized TeamSTEPPS training leads to an environment of respect, trust and accountability among care team members.
Begin a comprehensive TeamSTEPPS implementation based on areas for improvement identified through readiness assessment.
Funded Partnerships fosters transformative health care collaborations supported by AHA and its 501c3, the Health Research & Educational Trust (HRET).