Infection Prevention and Control

Stay informed on the latest news and developments in infection prevention and control. AHA provides valuable resources and support to help you maintain a safe and clean environment.

The FDA authorized state-licensed pharmacists to prescribe Paxlovid to patients as a treatment for those at high risk of severe COVID-19.
HHS ordered an additional 2.5 million doses of an FDA-licensed vaccine for prevention of smallpox and monkeypox, for use in responding to current or future monkeypox outbreaks and as part of the nation’s smallpox preparedness.
To increase monkeypox testing capacity during the U.S. outbreak, the CDC began shipping orthopoxvirus tests to five commercial laboratory companies.
The CDC and Florida Department of Health are investigating at least 24 cases of meningococcal disease among gay and bisexual men.
Federal agencies have updated their guidance for handling Category A solid waste, including waste that may be contaminated with monkeypox virus.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention yesterday updated its guidance to help clinicians evaluate and test patients with relevant history, signs and symptoms for monkeypox
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week released the procedure for laboratory personnel using its generic real-time PCR test to diagnose monkeypox virus.
A new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report offers guidance on the preexposure use of the JYNNEOS smallpox and monkeypox vaccine for individuals at risk for occupational exposure to orthopoxviruses.
CDC reports 71 more potential hepatitis cases of unknown cause, Massachusetts monkeypox case.