
Blogs from AHA leaders and members on the latest health care issues.

For National Suicide Prevention Month and National Physician Suicide Awareness Day, the Zero Suicide Institute and the Suicide Prevention in the Health Care Workforce guide provides strategies for preventing suicide in physicians and health care workers.
The Society for Health Care Strategy & Market Development will host the SHSMD23 Connections Conference Sept. 10 – 12 in Chicago.
Given the historic financial pressures borne by hospitals and health systems over the last eighteen months, there is tremendous focus on organizations’ margins. Simply put, this metric tells us how an organization’s costs compare to their revenues and is one, but not the only, indicator of a…
Modern Healthcare’s putative report on CMS’ 340B remedy proposal is completely wrong and irresponsible for the following reasons. First, to buttress its conclusions the article relies on quotes from an academic whose 340B research is funded in whole or in part by an organization with an anti-…
Sixteen months ago, Chris Manson voluntarily took on the task of locating ambulances that have reached the end of their service life in America and shipping them to Ukraine, where they are so badly needed to transport those in need of care, both civilians and soldiers alike.
America’s hospitals and health systems, regardless of size, location and ownership type, provided essential care to their patients and communities during the pandemic. Congress recognized the critical role hospitals play as the backbone of our health care system and swiftly took steps in the early…
A new opinion piece supported by Arnold Ventures and published in the New England Journal of Medicine is another unfair assault on the only sector in health care that routinely gives back so much more to their communities than they receive in tax relief.
The American Society for Health Care Engineering Annual Conference will be held Aug. 6-9 in San Antonio. This gathering allows professionals to connect, discuss new and emerging trends, and explore long-standing issues.
A new study funded by Patient Rights Advocate adds to the evidence that physician-owned hospitals (POHs) are not comparable to or substitutes for full-service acute care hospitals.
The upcoming AHRMM annual conference, which will be held August 6-9 in Orlando, is an opportunity for supply chain leaders to collaborate, learn best practices and find solutions that benefit hospitals.