The words people use to describe addiction can reshape perceptions and reduce stigma. These resources are designed to help break down the barriers to treatment.


Ending the stigma of addiction

Shatterproof - 2023*

Research Article

The Impact of Stigma on People with Opioid Use Disorder, Opioid Treatment, and Policy

Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation 01/2022


Addressing the Stigma Surrounding Opioid Addiction

Weill Cornell Medicine 11/2022


Reducing Medication Stigma Tools (ReSET)

Dell Medical School 7/2020


Dell Seton Brings Team Approach to Opioid Recovery

Austin-American Statesman 2/2019


Harvard's Project Implicit

Harvard - 2011*

* Resources with an asterisk are maintained by their developers and the listed date does not necessarily reflect the date the resource was last updated.